Dealing With An Unwanted Pregnancy

An unplanned and unwanted pregnancy can dramatically affect an otherwise loving long-term relationship. Some men rejoice, but others simply aren’t ready to be fathers. If they discussed the possibility and specifics at the start of the relationship, he may hope she’s going to stick to the original plan and terminate the pregnancy. And she might -- but for some women, getting pregnant can start clocks ticking and make them suddenly want to be mothers, despite previous agreements.

In either case, the final decision is hers, which means she has ultimate say in whether or not you become a father. This can put tremendous stress on a relationship, particularly if don’t want to have a child, but don’t want to lose the girl, either. While you can’t force her to do your bidding, you can get her to consider your wants and desires if you approach her correctly. After all, your life could be drastically altered by her decision, which certainly entitles you to speak your mind -- you just need to take care with the presentation.

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Are you a good kisser
My friend Sean thought his date went well—she laughed at his jokes, ordered dessert, and even asked him up to her apartment for a midnight make-out session. But it’s been over a week and she hasn’t returned his calls. Sean’s starting to wonder why. Little does he know, the answer’s in his kiss. I should know. I made the mistake of kissing him once.

Plenty of people worry about whether they’re good in bed, but few worry about their skills when it comes to their triple-tongue-swirl maneuvers. So people like Sean are often left questioning what went wrong on a date, even though the reason is quite literally under their noses. Sadly, no one wants to tell anyone they have the kiss of death, which means that unless you’ve been praised for your soft lips or tantalizing tongue, someone might be cringing about your not-so-sensual smooches as well. Here’s a cheat sheet of oral offenses, so you can avoid being thought of as a cringe-worthy kisser.

The Vampire Lip-Sucker
When my date Andrew first started biting and sucking on my lower lip, I tried to redirect the kiss by going for his upper lip. But when he kept doing it and my lip began to throb, I pulled away with a not-so subtle, “Ow.” He didn’t take the hint and with each tug, my lip grew rawer. The next day, at a family barbecue, everyone wondered why I had a purple lower lip.

Sure, a soft bite on the lip can be a turn on, but 10 in a row can leave your date looking like she got punched in the mouth. The first sign of a bad kisser is the inability to respond to feedback (sorry, Andrew; it’s true). If you’re not getting a positive response, don’t be afraid to stray from a move that you thought worked on someone else. Bad kissers often make the mistake of hoping you’ll grow to like whatever weird thing they’re doing. This almost never works and almost always leaves your lover bemoaning your inexperience.

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The Right Time For Sex
So you met someone new, and the sexual tension is getting unbearable. When should you do the deed? Well, there’s no hard-and-fast rule, but perhaps these stories from other women like you will help you decide:

Check for crazy tendencies
“I’m a traditional person at heart and I like to wait about three months. I’ve always heard the saying, ‘If you see crazy coming, cross the street.’ I don’t think you can see if she’s crazy until you know her a little bit longer. There have been a few times when I’ve dated someone short-term, and the relationship didn’t pan out. It’s probably because as time passed, I saw that maybe she was a little on the crazy side.”
1. Trust your gut
2. Look before you leap
3. Expect the unexpected
4. Friends first
5. Make it worth the wait
6. Sleep together first

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Because I Love You

I forget where I found the following, but it has motivated me to try to apply these wonderful principles in my own relationships. It is so difficult at times to love as God loves! “Because I love you” is a great preface to all our actions and words. May God bless us and help us to remember this!

1 Corinthians 13 as motivational statements:

*I am patient with you because I love you and want to forgive you.

*I am kind to you because I love you and want to help you.

*I do not envy your possessions or gifts because I love you and want you to have the best.

*I do not boast about my attainments because I love you and want to hear about yours.

*I am not proud because I love you and want to esteem you before myself.

*I am not rude because I love you and care about your feelings.

*I am not self seeking because I love you and want to meet your needs.

*I am not easily angered by you because I love you and want to overlook your offenses.

*I do not keep a record of your wrongs because I love you and love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

Love covers it all!

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Expressing Love Should Be Natural

I looked in her eyes and I knew that she was in love with me. Her eyes told me that. I had asked him to meet me at five pm,
and he was there at three thirty. I knew what was happening. His movements and his heartbeat told me all.

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How to Have a Good Fight

Every couple fights at some point. How you handle those conflicts will have a huge effect on your marriage. You can improve your marriage relationship by learning how to have good fights!
How couples resolve marital conflicts in their marriage is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. A good channel of communication and an effort to understand and accept each other is the key.

family life speaker couple Greg and Shelley Leith join Dr. Dave Currie in this episode of Marriage Uncensored to share their insights on how to successfully resolve marital conflicts. Don't miss out on how you can improve your marriage relationship by learning how to have good fights!

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Unlocking the Secret to Love

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"A fulfilling love life. How can I have one? How can I get the most out of sex?" University students worldwide ask these questions. Why? Because both pleasure and emotional fulfillment are important facets of sex.

Sex is often on our minds. According to two psychologists at the universities of Vermont and South Carolina, 95% of people think about sex at least once each day.{1} You might wonder, "You mean that 5% of the people don't?"

One way not to have a dynamic sex life is to concentrate solely on technique. There is certainly nothing wrong with learning sexual technique--especially the basics--but technique by itself is not the answer.

A good relationship is important for good sex. Psychiatrist and bestselling author Anthony Pietropinto and coauthor Jacqueline Simenauer write, "When emotional issues involving anger or a need to control are encountered on the road to sexual fulfillment, the journey is interrupted until these conflicts are resolved."{2}

Many sex therapists agree that great technique does not guarantee great sex. They emphasize that the qualities that contribute to a successful sex life are the same ones that contribute to a successful interpersonal relationship. Qualities like love, commitment and communication.

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Things Women Love To Hear

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In some ways, women are a bit like Labradors: if you say the right things in an appropriate tone of voice, they’ll do what you want. Alternately, women also have the potential to be like caged lions, and if you piss them off and are dumb enough to stand around, they’ll rip your head off. For that reason, we want to highlight some of the things that women love to hear and show you how certain phrases can consistently be used to score major points. Of course, the last thing we want to do here is spew out a list of platitudes that every guy knows women never get sick of hearing. Instead, we'd like to suggest some alternative phrases and the reasons why they are so effective.

These are not pickup lines; they’re phrases meant to be used on a girl you already know. Perhaps you’ve been dating and you want to take things to the next level. Or maybe it’s even a long-term girlfriend and you’ve been going through a rough patch. You might even be a bit worried that she’s losing interest and is starting to look around for something else. Whatever the case, the following is meant to give you an idea of different ways to verbally press her buttons by saying things women love to hear.

Generally, the things women love to hear can be placed into four categories: compliments about her appearance, words confirming your commitment to a future together, verbal displays of territorialism/jealousy, and questions that demonstrate an interest in her life.

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She Probably Wants You To Ask Her Out.
There are literally billions of single women out there at the moment. Go ahead, add them up. Billions. Have you ever wasted time, money and oxygen on one that you never even had a chance with? Of course you didn’t realize it at the time, but yeah, you probably have. And the really annoying thing is that all the clues were right there in front of you, but you didn’t acknowledge them because you were so focused on the prize.

Well, you never need to make that mistake again, because we’re here to spell out the top 10 signs she’s not interested in you. Sure, it’s a hard thing to accept, but you’ll be much better off if you can spot these signs early on. You’ll also need to consider that these signs may come to you at any stage of the courtship: the day you ask her out, on thefirst date or perhaps even a few dates in. When any one of these signs she’s not interested do creep up, it should be your cue to move along and set your sights on one of the other billion girls out there.

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She's Interested In You
She has all the right moves
A lot of people say that bodies can't lie. Nature has programmed humans with a complex set of non-verbal flirting signals that just flow freely when people are interested in someone. These range from the widening of the iris when looking at the object of desire to more overt displays such as smiling or touching.

Here are a few body-language cues to watch out for:
  • She points in your direction with her leg, foot or shoulders.
  • She leans toward you while talking.
  • She plays with or tosses her hair.
  • She fidgets with a piece of jewelry (like an earring) or strokes the stem of her glass.
  • She keeps her eyes locked on you while she talks or drinks.
  • She mirrors your body movements (for example, if you put your hand on the table, she quickly does the same).
  • She smiling when you check her out.
If you become aware of a cluster of these signals, you can almost be sure that she's giving you the green light for romance.

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Who says size counts

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How many times were you made fun of because your penis looked "shrunk"? Were you one of those guys who wouldn't shower after gym class because of embarrassment? You don't have to worry. Women don't care.

Who says size counts? A few months ago I was speaking with a friend who told me about one of her encounters with this wonderful lover. She described what they did in detail, and all this time I was wondering how big is this horse that my friend is sexing? Well guess what? He wasn't hung like a horse. As a matter of fact, he was more like a pony. This guy may not have had a big penis, but he certainly knew how to use his magic wand to please her and make her want him.

Women who feel that they aren't pretty or sexy enough because they have small breasts are like men who think that having big penises make them more manly and better lovers. The truth is that these men lack self-esteem and their self-worth is placed into their penises. Sure any woman would like to have a big thick bar to play with and suck on. It's like guys who are obsessed with big breasts.

Women simply don't care about size. There will be the odd ones who say it is very important, but they are usually the ones who love aggressive sex. For women, penises are marvelous toys, and no matter what they look like, they will excite women. Women do talk about their men's penises...often. But most of the time, the focus isn't on size; we focus more on what you did with it. In all honestly, we will spend more time talking about whether you wash yourself and smell good, rather than what it looks like.

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Does Size Matter To Women?

Men love their penises. From the time he is born, a man's penis becomes his best friend . He will love it, fondle it, get mad at it(especially when it stops working), respect it, listen to its opinion, and get in trouble for it.

Men are obsessed with their penises, even if they don't realize it. Most men live in constant fear that their manhood is not big enough. What they don't realize is that a recent study, involving 800 men of all shapes, races, and sizes, concluded that the average penis size is 5.5 inches .

So that's the size of an average penis. What's that sound? It's men all over the world breathing a sigh of relief. Now that this revelation has surfaced, let's get down to business.

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Sex Records

Have you ever wondered what other people get up to in their spare time? Why, competing in world sex records, of course. Here are some of the top guys and gals showing the rest of us how it can be done, should we care to try. There are also a selection of the weird and wonderful body parts and acts that have befallen our fellow men and women, and we've listed them all in our list of unusual sex records.

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Variety Is The Spice of SEX Life

Perhaps your sex life has become routine. Boredom is an industrial-strength sexual desire dampener. Even the most highly sexed person can begin to feel ho-hum about sex if it's always the same old thing. If this rings true of your sexual relationship, it might be time for you to try to spice things up a bit. You need to be creative to avoid sexual boredom. Try a new location, rent a hotel room, experiment with new positions, buy new lingerie, rent a sexy video, try a hot bath, candles and a massage. Cast your inhibitions to the wind.

Kellie complained that she was losing desire because she was having trouble feeling aroused. It took her considerably longer to have an orgasm, and when she did, it wasn't as strong as orgasms had been in the past. She found herself feeling more and more disinterested each time her husband approached her. She wondered if it was because of her age -- she was 52 -- and whether she should consider taking hormone supplements.

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Kellie was menopausal, and it was entirely possible that biological causes were at the root of her sexual difficulties and lack of desire. However, I also wondered about the quality of her sexual relationship with her husband. Kellie confessed to feeling bored. Their lovemaking had become routine and unexciting. Because her mind would drift during their sexual encounters, she found it challenging to maintain feelings of arousal.

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The Do-It-Yourself Solution

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No matter how much your spouse loves you or wants to please you, s/he might never have the same sex drive as you. Therefore, it's unreasonable for you to expect your spouse to be at your beck and call every time you feel sexual. You need to take responsibility for satisfying your own needs from time to time. In all likelihood, you are already doing this, and you don't need me to tell you to do it. However, you might be feeling resentful about it, and that's not fair. Although it is my hope that your spouse will invest more energy into your sexual relationship, there will still be times when you're ready to roll and s/he isn't. That's normal, and you need to accept it. As long as your spouse is making more of an effort to understand and care for you and your needs, you need to work harder at accepting your differences. And part of this acceptance entails taking care of yourself occasionally and feeling fine about it. This will be easier for you to do once you truly feel your spouse cares about you and your feelings. And hopefully, if that isn't happening already, it will, very soon.

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Sex life vests

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There's no getting around it; sex is a vital part of most marriages. So what happens when one or more parties lose interest -- or never had it to begin with? Research says these unions are more likely to fail. (After money, sex is the number one reason couples divorce.) However, it doesn't have to get that far. In her book The Sex-Starved Marriage, Michele Weiner Davis suggests three strategies for improving your sex life and preserving your relationship.

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Strategies To Revive Your Sex Life

No matter how much your spouse loves you or wants to please you, s/he might never have the same sex drive as you. Therefore, it's unreasonable for you to expect your spouse to be at your beck and call every time you feel sexual. You need to take responsibility for satisfying your own needs from time to time. In all likelihood, you are already doing this, and you don't need me to tell you to do it. However, you might be feeling resentful about it, and that's not fair. Although it is my hope that your spouse will invest more energy into your sexual relationship, there will still be times when you're ready to roll and s/he isn't. That's normal, and you need to accept it. As long as your spouse is making more of an effort to understand and care for you and your needs, you need to work harder at accepting your differences. And part of this acceptance entails taking care of yourself occasionally and feeling fine about it. This will be easier for you to do once you truly feel your spouse cares about you and your feelings. And hopefully, if that isn't happening already, it will, very soon.

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